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Study In Switzerland

Why Switzerland

Switzerland has no natural resources, education and knowledge have become very important resources. Therefore Switzerland claims to have one of the world's best education systems. The most popular of the educational facilities for foreign students, are the Swiss Hospitality Schools. In the past, and even today, people from all over the world visit Europe and Switzerland for its natural beauty and quality of service. This tiny nation with a population of 7 million has 5600 hotels which provide accommodation for more than 35 million guests every year!

Tourism is indeed a very important economic activity in Switzerland. Due to the lack of manpower and the high cost of our labour force, the Swiss hospitality industry not only welcomes a majority of international visitors, but also employs a truly international work force. This is also reflected in hotel management schools, in terms of the curricula offered and the mix in the student population. Located in various towns and cities across Switzerland, these schools are renowned worldwide for their high standards and are almost a pre-requisite for hospitality students looking for a first class education.

About Switzerland

Switzerland has always been a dream destination for many a tourist the world over. The picturesque locales of Switzerland are the favourite shooting spots for many Indian film directors, however in recent years, Switzerland has rapidly evolved as one of the world’s top education destinations. In comparison to other popular study destinations like UK, USA, Canada and Australia, Switzerland is a smaller country but the quality of education offered is very high.

Pre-dominantly three languages are spoken in Switzerland: German, French and Italian. There are 12 universities in Switzerland and depending on where they are located, the language of instruction varies. Having said that, in the recent years, there is a conscious effort to attract students who are English language speakers in recognition of the fact that they are the ones who are looking for educational opportunities outside of their home countries. Knowledge of German and French is recommended, however if you identify right kind of programmes which are 100% taught in English, in terms of securing a qualification, you will not have trouble. Regularly updated list of qualifications taught in English is available and should be referred to by students to ensure that they don’t have any trouble understanding the curriculum. It should also be remembered that students are likely to find maximum programmes at Masters level taught in English.

Switzerland has a long established and outstanding reputation for excellence in Hospitality education and training. Many of the world’s successful hoteliers have been educated in this beautiful and safe country. Switzerland demonstrates greatness in its precision approach to detail. That is why so many Swiss corporations rank among the world’s finest research institutes. Switzerland is also home to some of the world’s leading laboratories. Majestic mountains, green woodlands, crystal clear lakes, roaming vineyards, breathtaking landscapes and enchanting cities - Switzerland has it all. Located in the heart of Europe, Switzerland has Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rome and Madrid at its doorstep, as all are within an hour’s flight. Switzerland offers not only the finest landscapes, but also the cultural heritage of a multilingual population, where people have learned from childhood to live peacefully with their countrymen and women, who often speak a language different from their own. In such a country and environment everybody can feel safe. These secure and friendly surroundings make it very easy to combine study with the discovery of people, culture and the beauty of the country. Many international companies have selected Switzerland for their headquarters because of the country's reputation for stability, safety and multicultural understanding.

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