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Study In United Kingdom

Why United Kingdom

UK qualifications are recognized and respected throughout the world. Your UK qualification will be a solid foundation for building your future, boosting your career and prospects for a higher salary. UK universities, colleges and schools in UK will provide a vibrant, creative and challenging environment in which to develop your potential. Quality standards for UK institutions are among the best in the world.

Universities, colleges and schools continually have to prove that their courses meet strict criteria. Many other countries are now trying to follow the example of the UK. Studying in the UK is an unforgettable experience. Some universities in the UK are over 600 years old and have a long tradition of offering personalized education in the UK. All of them are owned and funded by the British Government and pass quality assurance audits.

About United Kingdom

When you come to the UK, you get four countries in one England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each has its own distinctive history, landscape and modern culture. And, because they're all within easy reach of one another, they're easy to explore. The national air, rail, coach and bus networks will get you almost anywhere in the UK- so you won't need a car, as you might in some countries.

Discounts or special rates are generally available for students on most forms of transport. All international students staying in the UK for a period of six months or more will qualify for free healthcare through the National Healthcare Service. It's easy to see the rest of Europe. The Channel Tunnel, cheap flights and ferries mean that you're never too far away from the other great capital cities of the European mainland.

The closeness of the rest of Europe means that many institutions offer work placements and periods of study there. Some courses are taught while others require research. Taught courses usually involve presentations, written course work such as marked essays, exams and dissertations. Classroom sessions are highly interactive, requiring student participation.

Education System

STUDENTS in the UK engage with learning at a number of different levels. A wide range of institutions will deliver courses at each level - from schools and colleges to further education colleges and universities. These levels - primary, secondary, 16 to 19, further education and higher education. At all levels (other than primary) students may choose to study towards a wide variety of different qualifications. Higher National Certificates and Higher National Diplomas

If you want to go on to higher education and gain a recognized qualification to do a specific job, a BTEC HNC or HND could be for you. HNCs and HNDs focus on 'learning by doing' and can lead into a new career, or help you progress in your current line of work. HNCs (Higher National Certificates) and HNDs (Higher National Diplomas) are work-related (vocational) higher education qualifications. While bachelor's degrees tend to focus on gaining knowledge, HNCs and HNDs are designed to give you the skills to put that knowledge to effective use in a particular job.

Bachelors Degree: BA / BSc / MB

A bachelor's degree (sometimes known as an 'ordinary' or 'first' degree) is a course of academic study leading to a qualification such as a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), or bachelor of medicine (MB). It usually takes three or four years to complete full time (normally four years if you're doing a sandwich course, which includes a year in industry or abroad). Bachelor's degrees in some subjects can take longer; for example, medical courses usually take five or six years. You can also study for a bachelor's degree part time or through flexible learning.

Postgraduate Qualifications

If you want to carry on your studies after a bachelor's degree, or learn more about a particular subject, there are a range of postgraduate qualifications available. Some are linked to a specific profession, while others allow you to complete an original piece of research. A master's degree is a qualification of academic study. It can be research based, a taught course, or a mixture of both, and will take at least 12 months of full-time study to complete. You may also have to submit a dissertation at the end of your course.


A doctorate qualification gives you the opportunity to undertake an original piece of research. It will usually take at least three years of full-time study to complete.

International students studying in United Kingdom can work part time and full time during vacations. However the hours of work students can do during term-time depends on:

  • The level of course the student is studying
  • Whether the institute the student is enrolled is in Tier 4 sponsor with Highly Trusted Sponsor status

Most students studying a Master’s course at any University will be able to work 20 hours per week

Most students studying a Diploma, Advance Diploma or Post Graduate Diploma will only be able to work 10 hours per week.

Some students will be eligible to take up placements or internship placements, which are part of a ‘sandwich course’.

Please note: Student Part time jobs may only be minimum wage jobs like work in fast food joints, department stores or call centers. We strongly advise students not to depend on part time work for their tuition fee and expenses.

International Students who have completed their course under the Tire 4 category then they can move into Tire 1 under the post study work subcategory. This allows international students to remain in UK for up to 2 years. On completion of this visa students need to apply for another visa under another Tire Applying for Permanent Residence in UK Students will need to pass a point based assessment to qualify for this. Please note that time sent under Post Study Work Visa will not be counted towards permanent residence. It is not essential to have a Job Offer but again it is necessary to pass the point based assessment to be eligible to apply Points awarded and are called “Attributes”, for which one needs to score at least 75 points If Students have been awarded 20 Points

  • UK recognized bachelors or Post graduate Degree
  • A UK Post Graduate Diploma
  • Higher National Diploma (HND) from Scottish Institute

If a student studies for an award at 20 Points
  • A UK recognized or licensed body
  • A Scottish public funded education institute or further or Higher education provider or an acceptable private

Students period of study and /or research were while you were in UK With entry clearances, leave to enter or to leave to remain as student dependent of someone with leave in any category permitting the admittance of dependents. 15 Points If the application is under Tier 1 (Post Study Work) is made within 12 months of obtaining the qualification or award 15 Points

English Language Ability:
  • Separate points will be given to English language ability (10 points)
  • Automatically awarded if one scores 75 points for all “ attributes” above

Maintenance: 15 Points

Every applicant should pass this requirement Note: Applicants must be able to support themselves for the entire duration of stay in UK without any public funds. In order to qualify for Tier 1 (Post-Study-Work) applicants must demonstrate that they have GBP2800 for himself and GBP 1600 for each dependent accompanying him for a minimum of 3 months 3 months provider

Visa Information:New Point Based System Recently Immigration to the UK underwent a complete process of reform, replacing most of the old system of UK visas and UK work permits. The new tier system has simplified the process of applying for a UK visa, restructuring more than 80 types of visa for UK immigration into a more straightforward, transparent system.

The new system consists of the following five categories:
  • Tier 1 visa - Migrants with desirable professional skills
  • Tier 2 visa - Skilled workers with an offer of employment
  • Tier 3 visa - Temporary, low skilled workers
  • Tier 4 visa - Students
  • Tier 5 visa - Youth mobility schemes/ temporary workers

Tire 4 Visas – Student The Tier 4 category is specifically designed for students coming to the UK to study. All students wanting to come to the UK are required to apply for entry clearance under Tier 4 before traveling, unless their course is less than six months long and they are applying for a Student Visitor Visa 30 points will be awarded for a valid ‘VISA LETTER’ issues by a “A” ranked University / Institute (registered in UK Border Agency Sponsor Register)

  • 10 points will be awarded for meeting the financial requirements outlined by the UK Border Agency To obtain a “Visa Letter” (30 points)students have to :
  • Accept the University / Institute Offer of Study and meet all conditions
  • Pay the University’s standard deposit or first semester fee as specified in the Offer letter

To meet Financial Requirements (10 points) students have to: Show sufficient liquid funds available to meet the total tuition fees / living costs / travel costs and it should have been in student’s or his sponsor’s bank account for more than 28 days before they submit their application for Entry Clearance/visa. Shares, bonds, pension funds and similar savings will not be accepted. The money must be held in a nationalised bank or foreign sector bank in India or abroad. Education loans are accepted. More details of these requirements including the specific types of financial documents which are acceptable can be found at http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/studyingintheuk Students can contact our office for more details and our friendly counselors will help you with the process With effect from Monday 1 February 2010, all customers who wish to submit a Tier 4 student visa application must make an appointment before attending a visa application centre.

  • To schedule an appointment, please email VFS between 08:00 and 15:00, Monday to Friday, using the dedicated email addresses below:
  • To apply for appointments in Kolkata please send an email to: ukstudenteast@vfshelpline.com
  • To apply for appointments in Mumbai (North and South), Pune and Ahmedabad please send an email to: ukstudentwest@vfshelpline.com
  • To apply for appointments in Chennai, Hyderabad, Cochin and Bangalore please send an email to: ukstudentsouth@vfshelpline.com
  • Please note: You must make an appointment at the visa application centre nearest to where you live.
  • Please email only if your course begins on or before 15 March 2010 and you hold a valid visa letter.
  • When you request an appointment, please state which visa application centre you are requesting an appointment to attend, supply your full name, passport number, contact number, place of residence and confirm the visa category. In addition: Please include the following information from your visa letter (but you do not need to attach a copy of the visa letter):
  • The start date of your course.
  • The date of your visa letter
  • The student reference number
  • The name of the education provider.

The appointment must be made in the name of the applicant who will attend the visa application centre to submit the application. It is not possible for appointment details to be changed once made or for another person to attend the visa application centre. You must make one request for an appointment only (multiple requests are likely to result in you not receiving an appointment). VFS will aim to send you a response to your request as soon as possible.

UK Document Checklist:
  • VAF 9 + Appendix 8 Form (Tier 4 – Student) and Guidance Notes
  • Passport
  • One Passport size photo (45 x 35 mm Color, less than 6 months old)
  • Biometric Details
  • Visa Fees of 145 Pounds (equivalent in Rupees, in D.D form)
  • VISA letter from University – ORIGINAL & one set Photocopy & Unconditional letter from University
  • ATAS Certificate* (if applicable)
  • Receipt of fee payment towards accommodation & Tuition.
  • Bank Statements - ORIGINAL for the last 28 days from all sponsors
  • All Education Certificates / Transcripts including completion certificate
  • Affidavit of Support to be given by the sponsor on Rs.20 stamp paper (non-judicial)
  • Work experience certificate (if applicable)
  • Evidence of Liquid Funds (Fixed Deposit Certificates / Bank Loan / Bank Statement )
  • Sponsor’s Income details

Visa application may be submitted personally at the VFS UK local office, processing of application will take between 2 week to 4 weeks. Visa officer may also conduct interview with student if required. Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) The Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) was introduced on 1 November 2007. It is used to help stop the spread of knowledge and skills that could be used in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their means of delivery. This is in common with other governments around the world. Students will only need an ATAS certificate if they are a Postgraduate Student. Student may also need an ATAS Certificate if they also wish to do Research in UK for longer than 6 months in the following areas:

  • F2 – Materials Science
  • F3 – Physics (including Nuclear Physics)
  • H3 – Mechanical Engineering
  • H4 – Aerospace Engineering
  • J5 – Materials Technology not otherwise specified

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